Thursday, April 3, 2014

Drum Roll, Please! Here are the Details!

We have made some changes to our original plan. With the support of our amazingly insightful school psychologist (Maxine M.), we have streamlined our data collection. An LVS Engagement and Satisfaction Survey has been created to administer pre- and post- project and Maplewood will provide us with attendance data. Originally, we were going to collect literacy and numeracy data too; however,  Maxine felt that because of the short duration (April to June), it would be impossible for children’s cognitive processes and achievement levels to show changes. Furthermore, if a child has a true Learning Disability, they will be even slower to show growth – three months is just not enough time! However, we still can access informal achievement data through our school-wide assessment tools, for interest sake. At LVS, we collect individual student information in October and May each year to informally assess literacy and numeracy levels.  
The Satisfaction and Engagement survey will be administered after Spring Break and then again in the last week of June. We hope to see a rise in happiness and interest in our students!